"My Son Can't wait for his lesson...." My 8 year old son takes piano lessons from Creative Soul School of Modern Music and LOVES it! He "practices" all week the new song he learned at his lesson. His teacher Lisa is wonderful. She understands how he learns and so he is successful in learning how to play. No scales, no boring practice sheets, only fun songs to play! My 2 year old wants to go to music school just like his big brother because he sees how much fun it is."
Rated 5.0 out of 5.0

"Creative Soul School is the best!" Both of my girls love Creative Soul. We are in our second year and my daughters have learned more than just how to play piano - they are learning how to make music. The teachers there are amazing."

"My son is 8 years old. He has been taking piano lessons at Creative Soul for 2 years, and loves it. He picks the songs he wants to learn and they teach him to play by ear and by reading the music. The teachers are great with the kids and make learning fun!"
Rated 5.0 out of 5.0 By stacie
Rated 5.0 out of 5.0

"This place rocks the burbs!" My son wanted to take guitar, so we inquired with the talented musicians at Creative Soul. They based their approach on my son's musical interests, goals, and current skills. After 6 months with a one-on-one instructor, he was ready to progress to "Rock Band." Now he practices with his "band" an hour a week to prepare for "concerts" (recitals). He feels like he's part of a true group, they keep each other motivated to do well, and his confidence has increased as well. This is a great place if you want a progressive approach to learning an instrument."
-Creative Soul Parent
Rated 5.0 out of 5.0 By Eric

Rated 5.0 out of 5.0 By Haltom Parent
"Last day of rock camp today; our son declared it was the BEST camp he has ever been to (and he has been to a lot)! He was so jazzed after the "graduation" concert this afternoon! So much fun to listen and watch the camp musicians perform!!
"Rock Camp is equivalent to 3 months of private lessons in one week!"

"Rock and Roll!This school is amazing, I'm going there for their rock camp an I love it! It is the most fun i have had when it comes to music. I recommend this music school to anybody that likes music, or likes to play any instrument!"
Rated 5.0 out of 5.0
"I attended the Rock Camp at Creative Soul 2 years ago. I will never forget the experience that I had there. You learn so much in that one week. We had shirts with our band and CDs too. Being around Musicians that care and want you to enjoy the experience of learning your instrument was a great joy."
[Submitted by Swim Chick)
"Not your traditional classical music lesson. My 10 year old daughter and I take guitar lessons at the Creative Soul School of Modern Music. She also takes piano lessons from a wonderful lady who focuses on classical music. She loves both lessons, but I will admit that she practices her guitar with much more enthusiasm than her piano. One of the key reasons I believe is that she gets to help select the music that we learn. That makes practicing at home that much more fun for her. I have had the pleasure to meeting and working with several of the instructors and they have all been wonderful teachers and they have a genuine desire to help all their students succeed, even an old fart like me."
Rated 5.0 out of 5.0